The automobile industry has been an integral part of the Great Lakes region economy since the early 1900s. This week, the girls and I worked on Old Time Automobile drawings. My original intent was to research old advertisements and have the girls design their own ads, but we ran short on time. So instead, we cut out images of cool, old cars, and drew the scenery to go around them. The girls, Fairy especially, really enjoyed this project. I think she liked having something that looked “real” on her page.

We found a lot of cool car pictures on mywvhome. Or if you would like to research old car ads, here are a couple of sites that I found that had Vintage Automobiles Advertisement…. Old Car Advertising and Vintage Ad Browser.
Be careful when visiting these links as I have not previewed all the material on the sites. They seem kid safe… but you should preview the material you wish to use with your kids.

Print out some images of old cars. Cut out the outline of the car.

Glue the car image onto a large sheet of drawing paper.

Add scenery details around your car with colored pencils. If you are working on an advertisement, you can type and print out any text that you would like to include.


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