As many of you know, Michelle has closed down her homeschooling blog. With the demands of homeschooling, Wee Folk Art, and other creative projects we are involved in, Michelle has felt like she was spreading herself too thin. This made many people very sad 🙁 Michelle had tons of great activities and projects she did with her children, plus some phenomenal units. So, for those of you that followed her, take heart. Many of her activities are very appropriate to Wee Folk Art. Because of that, you can expect to see some new additions around here.

For quite a while now we’ve talked about starting a Book Nook. I wanted a place to share some of our favorite books, from my childhood, my children’s, and now, the grandbabies. So, from time to time we will feature a book. Sometimes, we might simply review a book we like. We might have anecdotal stories to share, there might be a craft or activity to do to enhance the reading experience. And sometimes, we will put together “baskets of books”. These would be a collection of books on a particular topic, that we are using. They may not be individually discussed, but rather, simply shared.

We hope you will find this new corner of Wee Folk Art to be delightful, inspiring, or just fun! For our very first offering, I’m going to share my very favoritest book from my childhood, along with a special project. Hopefully it will be up tomorrow. We are very excited about this and we hope it becomes a favorite spot for your family.