There are babushka dolls and then there are babushka dolls! Here’s our little doll wearing a skirt her mom just made for her. The fabric is gorgeous… a Kokka babushka doll print! Michelle used our basic Elastic Gathered Skirt Directions with a few alterations. First, Fairy insisted there were pockets. Hey, I can’t exist without pockets, can’t expect her to either! Michelle also wanted to make it longer. She added an additional 8″ of contrasting fabric to the original pieces, and then followed the rest of the directions. As for the pockets, she tells me she just “winged it”. A very easy way to make pockets is to decide on the size you want for each pocket, and add an additional 1/2″ seam allowance all around. (So, if you want a pocket 5″ x 7″, cut the fabric 6″ x 8″) Cut 2 pieces of fabric for each pocket. Put right sides together and using a 1/2″ seam allowance, sew around leaving a 2″ opening. Trim the corners, turn right side out and press. (You do not need to sew up the opening.) Position the pocket where you want it on your skirt and pin in place. Sew close to the edge around 3 edges, leaving the top open. Sew a second seam about 1/8″ away from the first seam. You now have a finished pocket, securely attached!

The Elastic Gathered Skirt is all about the fabric. It is such a simple and lovely little skirt, and a wonderful showcase for the prettiest fabrics. You’ll want to make a ton of this basic!